Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's a new year. What does that really mean? For some, it means making resolutions (which lets be honest, no one really keeps), and planning for a great year; a fresh start if you will... For me, I think I'm just getting back to basics. I'm not going all into detail about what that means exactly, but if was gay and never told anyone, this would be my "coming out" party!

Many of you know me from my other blog (and I'm glad you followed me here!), but I felt like I was limited on things I could talk about and do because of the image I had created over there. Let me say now that I'm not a wild woman or anything, I just feel like this blog will be a better reflection of who I really am. H23DB's had become a blog that was basically for my DIY and decorating journey with the occassional post about the boys... I'm more than that. A LOT more than that! I'm not a home blogger or a "mommy" blogger and really there isn't anything wrong with those types of bloggers, but when I created my blog, I really didn't know what I wanted to talk about. The only blogs that I read were interior design/DIY blogs so I became one too. But I think when I did that, I lost pieces of who I was.

I am a mom.

I am a wife.

I am a fashionista.

I am a decorator.

I am a DIY'er.

I am a lover of art.

I am a lover of music.

I am a lifestyle blogger.


welcome to my blog...


Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I like it! Follow your heart Lakeitha, it won't steer you wrong. Here's to a fabulous 2012 and making things happen for yourself! Janell

Unknown said...

Congrats! I believe in being the best you that you possibly be. We are all more than our jobs, hobbies, or families. We are reflections of the creator, living and growing and develping. The more we trust ourselves the easier it is to change along the way. We find that we are like flowers turning towards the light. Good luck with this blog. I am proud of you. It takes courage to seperate from the pack and go your own way. God Smiles.
Kimberly at Pinkeggshell

Vonda said...

Looking forward to reading both!

Anonymous said...
